How to Transfer Google Drive Files to Another Account

People generally have more than two email accounts for many purposes. One is for personal use, and second is for the business or office use. Most of the people create other accounts to enlarge the limited cloud storage. When you make a new email account, you may wish to transfer Google Drive files to another account. Follow the instructions listed below to complete this procedure on your device.
Steps to Transfer Google Drive Files Through Google Drive
•    Type Google Drive in the search bar.
•    Choose all the files which you want to transfer to another account.
•    Keep pressing on the Control and Shift keys together after choosing the Google Drive files.
•    Now, you need to right-click on the chosen files.
•    After that, press on the Share option.
•    Now, you will get the menu to transfer Google Drive Files to Another Account.
•    If you wish to get the ownership, then press on the Advanced option instantly.
•    Press in the Invite people checkbox.
•    Enter your email ID of the Google account from which to transfer the files.
•    In case you wish to exit from the window, then there is a possibility that you are not able to do this.
•    Click the Invite people checkbox.
•    The Cancel option will start showing near to the Done option.
•    Now, you will get all the Gmail accounts on the menu list from which you can transfer the file.
•    The pencil symbol starts showing on the screen.
•    After pressing on that symbol, a pull-down list will show on display.
Steps to Transfer Google Drive Files Through a Third-party Cloud Manager
•    Open the MultCloud page.
•    Log in to the Gmail account as a guest
•    After getting the access, you will get the Welcome webpage on display.
•    Press on the Add Cloud Drives option located in the upper left-hand side of the webpage.
•    Now, you will get the cloud services menu list on the screen.
•    Once you have selected the Google Drive, add a title.
•    Choose the files which you wish to transfer.
•    After that, press on the “Cloud Transfer” option to make the Google Drive files ready for transferring to another account.
•    Select the source to transfer the files.
•    At last, your transfer procedure will begin.
•    The notification from the MultCloud will appear at the upper side of the display.
James Williams is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.

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