How to Fix ‘Failed to Load the JNI Shared Library’ Error

You will face the Failed to Load JNI Shared Library error when you run and install Eclipse. There are many different ways to solve this issue, and through this article, you will get the steps to fix ‘failed to load the JNI shared library’ error.
Here’s how ‘failed to load the JNI shared library’ error
•    Editing the ‘eclipse.ini’ File
1.    Go to the folder where File Explorer is located.
2.    Press on the This PC or My Computer option by going to the left-hand panel.
3.    Otherwise, find the entry by going to the Start option.
4.    In the My PC or My Computer window, click twice for opening the Local Disk.
5.    Go to the installation wizard of Java Development Kit.
6.    Once you have got the Java folder, go to the jrex .x.xx > bin.
7.    Search for the ‘jawaw.exe’ folder.
8.    Press on the text field.
9.    Start copying the URL to Clipboard.
10.    The ‘xx.xx’ placeholder shows the latest version of Java which you already have in your system.
11.    Go to the Eclipse installation file.
12.    You will get the right location once you have right-clicked on the Eclipse shortcut.
13.    Select the Open file location option by going to the pop-up menu.
14.    Now, you need to right-click on the file which is titled as ‘eclipse.ini.’
15.    Select the file for opening it with Notepad.
16.    Ensure that you go to the upper side of the file and start pasting the lines so that you can fix ‘failed to load the JNI shared library’ error.
17.    Run the software to check whether the error is fixed or not.
Ensure that Eclipse and Java Versions Match
Uninstall Java on Windows 10
  1. Press on the Start menu option provided at the end left-hand side of the display.
  2. Choose the Settings option by pressing on the gear symbol over the Power key given in the Start menu.
3.    Choose the Apps column provided in the Settings application.
4.    Choose the Java application by going through the list of all the applications which are already installed on the system.
5.    After that, press on the Uninstall option.
  • Uninstall Java on Windows Old Version
  1. Press on the Start menu option provided at the end side of the display.
  2. Choose the Control Panel option by going to the Start menu.
  3. Change the View to Category option.
  4. Choose Uninstall a program option given below the Programs column.
  5. Choose the Java by going to the menu list of all the applications which are already installed by pressing on it.
  6. Press on the Uninstall option.
  7. Go through the guidelines provided on display to complete the uninstallation procedure.
Carl Smith is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at

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