How to Record Your Voice on Windows PC

Microsoft includes Sound Recorder program for free on all its Windows platform. Sound Recorder program enables an individual to edit, record, and preview their recorded voice. Moreover, a user can also include additional music, comments, phrases in a video, or recorded voice file. To record your voice using Sound Record on your Windows PC, go through the steps mentioned below.
Steps for Using The Sound Recorder
  • Hold “Win” key from your keyboard to initiate the Start Menu.
  • Now enter “Sound Recorder” inside the search box.
  • After that, choose the “Sound Recording” option. It is a red button. Make sure to pair a microphone and a speaker to your personal computer to record and hear your voice.
  • Then use your paired microphone to capture your voice. The Sound Recorder program avails its users with 60 seconds of sound recording. If you require to capture more than 60 seconds of voice audio, then you can use the program multiple times or choose to use any third party software.
  • Once you have recorded your voice, select the “Stop Recording” button. It is a black square shaped button.
  • If you which to discard the recorded audio file, then choose the “Cancel” option.
  • Users can also add voice to their recorded file by choosing the “Resume Recording” option.
  • Then users will be presented with options to store the recorded audio. Select the “Save” button if you wish to save the file to your computer.
Recording Voice with Third Party Software
 It is essential to select a genuine and trustworthy third party software to record your voice on your PC. There are a number of programs which are dedicated towards capturing optimal voice audio in a sharp and clear tone. Such software does not only enable an individual to record music, and songs but they also help in managing editing and sharing such files.
Such third party software includes paid as well as unpaid audio capturing programs, but interestingly enough all such programs do allows a recording time frame of more than 60 seconds as compared to Sound Recorder in Microsoft.
 The third-party software does not only provide users with additional voice recording time, but it also allows users to tweak their recorded audio. Many programs feature an option to manage the pitch and the base of the recorded audio file.
If you have an audio file related to a music video or a program file then using paid software’s can be much more fruitful as paid voice capturing programs includes a number of tools and utilities through which the audio files can be recorded and produced in a more effective manner. Hopefully, users will choose a reliable program and devices like microphone and speakers to record and create the best audio for their professional use.
Carl Smith is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at

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